Thursday, December 22, 2005

Deploying IPv6 in a datacenter

Kevin Day:
Getting your network running IPv6 doesn't seem to be the challenge anymore. None of our L2 devices cared at all. Our L3 devices took some configuration, but moved pretty easily. it's the server and application software that needs a lot more work. I don't think we're even close to the point where an end-user can go to their provider and say "IPv6 me!" and get it working for more hassle than it's worth to them. [Click here for his full post]

Here is a great post about 1 man's experince trying to move to IPv6. The moral of his story is that getting the network IPv6 ready is the easier part (but not easy), getting applcations to work with IPv6 just isn't worth the trouble.

Anybody else have stories about deploying IPv6?

Full Discloseure: If you too would like this IPv6 headache for yourself and are a OneNet customer, give us a call and we can set you up :)

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