Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ethernet Switch Market Share numbers

Around the office we have be talking ethernet market share numbers, and I've finally found some numbers from a trusted source online. The numbers are interesting. If someone better at math could help me reverse engineer some more cool info from this please let me know.

No supprise that Cisco is a the top of both revenue (75.7%) and ports (40.6). The wired thing is the differance between the two. Cisco has over 3 quarters of the switching revenue with only 2 fiths of the ports. That's amazing, and features/reliability aside it shows that people do pay a premium for Cisco switches.

Odder still Notel shows up as number 2 under Revenue but doesn't even make the top 5 under ports. I guess people (although fewer) are also paying a permium for Nortel switches.

Here is what my elementry math tells me based on the numbers from this report:

Cisco average cost per port sold:

HP average cost per port sold:

3com average cost per port sold:

Industry average cost per port sold:

Now keep in mind that this is all types of ports PoE 10G GigE etc. Cisco's higher price per port is in part justified buy the fact they sell more of these higher end ports.

Read more at www.gartner.com/press_r...

Full Discolsure: The above math is my own and likley to be wrong. If you want the full details you'll have to buy the gartner report for $6,995.00 If you do, may I take a peek ;)