Thursday, December 29, 2005

More Black helicopter stuff: NSA Caught With The Cookies

Slashdot : “"The associated press is reporting that the NSA is putting cookies on visiting computers. Apparently it is unlawful for the government to put anything but a session cookie out unless it's expressed in the site's privacy policy." From the article: "Don Weber, an NSA spokesman, said in a statement Wednesday that the cookie use resulted from a recent software upgrade. Normally, the site uses temporary, permissible cookies that are automatically deleted when users close their Web browsers, he said, but the software in use shipped with persistent cookies already on. ... In a 2003 memo, the White House's Office of Management and Budget prohibits federal agencies from using persistent cookies _ those that aren't automatically deleted right away _ unless there is a 'compelling need.' A senior official must sign off on any such use, and an agency that uses them must disclose and detail their use in its privacy policy."”

Full Disclosure:I Don't know if my site gives cookies and I don't care.


Anonymous said...

What's the big deal? It's not like you can't delete a cookie. The article siginified the expiration date wasn't until 2035, like you'd actually be stuck with that cookie for 30 years. Besides, taking in to account the technical role a "cookie" plays in the web transaction, it should really be called a "lemon merange." But it was left a cookie because that's easier to spell.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any more good deals for us? I'm kinda bored with all of this news crap.