Thursday, December 01, 2005

Is Limited Unlimited Service False Advertising?

Is Limited Unlimited Service False Advertising?:
Just last month, we wrote about people getting kicked off Verizon Wireless' high speed EVDO network for using the "unlimited" network too much -- raising the question of how you could use too much of something that was being advertised as unlimited?

I was reading this article, and agreeing with it. Thinking about my Treo 650 I'm about to get and if I could be ding'd for using too much. Then I realized that this would be yet another post that need a Full disclosure.

Full Disclosure: OneNet offers "Unlmited Email and Web hosting" for all cirucit customers. The problem is that we have, like the companies in this article, "got on" to heavy users, and asked them to delete some things. 99% of the time it isn't a problem. (The truth is that it is easier to offer 'unlimited' then to work out the mechanism that would limit users and the policy that goes along wth it. But, you didn't here me say that)


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why anyone would want a Treo, everyone I know doesn't like them. As far as technology has come there isn't a device yet that is a great PDA, and Phone. Carry seprate devices.

John Jackson said...

I'm a chunky sorta guy. Too many things in my pockets make me look chunkier.

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know with a treo absolutely loves it and wouldn't trade it for anything. So far, it seems to be the perfect convergence of those devices. If they added wifi and evdo with auto-selection of those two, that would be a great improvement. And perhaps more built-in memory. If I were buying one, that's what I'd get. But I'm patient and will wait a bit longer for "the one".