Sure it's ugly. Sure no one is really going to buy it. So why make it? Does this guy think he is going to change the world with this keyboard?
I don't really have a problem with my keyboard. I don't know any one who works on one all day like me that wants a different keyboard. If we could turn back time, and layout the keys differently..... but alas we can't. So we are stuck with qwerty.
Are their people or bosses that are looking to get that .01% extra productity out of keyboard users? Why do we need to type faster?
Where are the numbers on this keyboard? Having to shift for numbers would slow me way down.
And who says abcdef is better then qwerty?
Full Disclosure: I nearly flunked typing in high school. But that wasn't because of the keyboard/typewriter, but because I'm tottaly unconcordaited. In H.S. band I wasn't allowed to march and play at the same time. I'm a good enough typiest now. Now all I need is a keyboard with spell check.
The keyboard to me is the poster child of backward compatibility. How many things to we have to put up with today in the name of backward compatibility? (see post about ip v6) I guess we'll just keep doing everything the way we've always done it.
Full Disclosure: I still put my pants on one leg at a time.
I'm all for brakeing free of the shackles of legacy stuff. However I fail to see the need here. This is putting the baby in the bath water just to throw it and the bath water out.
Qwerty is just fine. Until the radiation from our cell phone give us 12 fingers, I say we stay with what we got.
I do have to say this for the guy. It takes guts to make something up and put the name "Standard" on it.
Who knew this new keyboard layout was a standard? I guess only this guy. Good thing he has done his part to make us aware of what the new standerd is, 'cuase I wouldn't have known otherwise.
I think this guy would have been taken more seriously if he just would have rearranged the letters. Why get rid of the number keys or the function keys or the 10-key or the big space bar or the enter key and so on. I think he MIGHT have gotten a small % of folks to give it a try. As it is, he's just easy blog fodder.
As far as blog fodder goes this was a request from the crowd. I thought it off topic, but somethings you've got to keep the fans happy. Such is the life of a famous blogger.
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