Monday, November 14, 2005

Cisco and IPSec Vulnerabilities

Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities Found by PROTOS IPSec Test Suite

I find this weird that it affects most all Cisco's IPSec code, from IOS to PIX to VPN Consentrators. Does Cisco Share IPSec code between platforms? Is this something that is unique to Cisco or are other vendors effected too because it is something wrong with IPSec itself. (Remember the SNMP issue a year ago?)

Anyway Check your code see if you are up to date, esp. if you run IPSec. I know I'll be checking our stuff.

Full Disclosure: I'm pretty sure IPSec is Vodoo (I'm still trying to find hard evidence) You think I'm lying? You try to find someone who can explain in detail how it works. I'm still looking. If you are that preson let me know. Until then IPSec will remain in my vodoo column.


It Looks like it isn't just Cisco.

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