Monday, November 14, 2005

Tivo needs to move on this now, and not get behind on this treand

TV Experiments Just Keep Coming

Can I get a Amen from all the Tivo users in the house?

All these offerings are kinda cool, but on most of them you end up watching on either your PC or iPod. People want to watch TV (guess what?) On their TV. This is Tivo's advange. Your Tivo is already hooked up to the TV and the Internet. Tivo, where are you? Give people what they really want true VoD. The bandwith is there for most customers. What are you waiting for Tivo?

Instead Tivo seems to going the wrong direction.

Full disclosure: I'm a DirecTivo user, it has no internet Access. I would be willing to give up my dual-tuner'ness for Netflix on my Tivo.

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