Wednesday, November 23, 2005

House Proposal Would Bring Broadband Into USF Loop

Ok, maybe my blood pressure can't take this site. I read the first full artical and to hear some of these crazy ideas coming out of Washington, and I'm already upset.

Here is a quote from the article:
...recipients of USF monies would have to offer broadband at download speeds of at least 1 megabit per second within five years.

1 Mbit, 5 Years !!! Do these guys even know how little 1 Mbit is now days, and how long 5 Years are in tech? Words can't even begin to express how inadequate this is.

At 1Mbit it will take 4 minutes to download iTunes, today. I'm sure in 5 years the iTunes download will be much larger and take even longer to download.

1 HDtv channel is 32 Mbit. So rual america just hold tight, in five years you'll get 1/32 the bandwidth need to watch 1 HD channel. Hope it will be worth the wait.

Full Disclosure:Phil, where ever you are out there in rual Americal, this rant is for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, wimax over the ENTIRE US. we need it, government should be about infrastructure and this is infrastructure