Friday, November 18, 2005

New taxes could run rural broadband | CNET

I don't agree with taxing VoIP, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to tax 'Broadband'. We did this for Phones, and I think we should do this for Broadband.

The problem with taxing VoIP is that it isn't mature yet, and it isn't infrastructure. I think it is only fair to tax infrastructure to build infrastructure. That is also why I'm not a huge fan of E-rate. It is a tax on infrastructure to pay for service.

Full Disclosure: OneNet receives E-rate funds, and thus it great idea.


Anonymous said...

I think taxing broadband users to create a larger population of broadband users is a great idea. Actually a way to drive the economy is to create 'wireless broadband everywhere'. Imagine being able to have wimax in your car to tell you what services are available at the next stop. Or being a able to track your package in realtime or really be able to know how far the pizza guy is from your house.

Full Disclosure: I live in rural America and am stuck without real broadband, I'll say anything if I think I have the promise of high speed some day.

Anonymous said...

you don't get pizza out where you live either, so getting broadband isn't going to help you with that, or do you think unversial service fund should extend to pizza delivery?